Telegram Stories with customizable expiration times are coming next month

Author: Digitio

In a series of messages on his Telegram channel, Pavel Durov has revealed that the instant messaging service is launching its own take on Stories next month. He shared that users have been asking for the feature for years but the company has initially been against it “since Stories are already everywhere.” Telegram ultimately decided to listen to its users, though, and has created a version of its own that seems to be more customizable than other platforms’. 

The messaging service’s Stories feature looks just like Messenger’s in that they show up as expandable bubbles at the top of the conversation list. Users will be able to define who sees their posts and can choose to make them viewable to the public, only to their contacts (with exceptions), just a few selected contacts or to list of Close Friends. They can add captions and links to their Stories, and they can tag other people. Users can also share photos and videos captured by the front-facing and the rear cameras simultaneously, similar to posts found on BeReal. 

If users don’t want to see posts from a certain contact, they can move them to the “Hidden” list in their contacts section. But what’s perhaps the best thing about Telegram’s take so far is that users will be able to choose when their Stories expire. They can set them to disappear in 24 hours like in other services, but they can also choose to make them disappear within 6, 12 or 48 hours. Users can even permanently display their Stories on their profile page. If they do, they won’t be forced to make them viewable to anybody and can still choose the privacy setting for each post. 

Durov said Telegram has been testing the feature internally and that it’s in the last stages of the testing phase. The company plans to make Stories available on its app sometime in early July.